DTS is currently touring around the country with Aesop Rock. The duo’s new album, Anx, rules so hard. Apparently they’ve been described as a “psychedelic Gang Starr,” which seems appropriate to me. Pick up their new album and revel in its great beats, brilliant lyrics, and stunning delivery. It features guest spots from a variety of hip-hop’s best, including P.O.S. and Busdriver. As proof of why you need to pick this up, here’s my favorite song off of Anx. Pay extra attention to Rochester A.P.’s verse. He kills it.


Title Fight – Floral Green

September 5, 2012

Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to preorder this album. Then listen to it once through. Then sit in awe of how much better this band has gotten. Then, put “Head In The Ceiling Fan” on repeat, and get weird. You can thank me later.


Get Weird.