Slowgrowth Records released the tracks for this 4-way split today. They were even nice enough to put it up for free download. It probably goes without saying, but every song on here is awesome, even if it is only one per band. If you weren’t aware, 1994!, Algernon, and Snowing are all touring together this summer. Yeah, for real. I suggest going to one of their shows and picking one up, but if they’re not coming anywhere near you, order it from Slowgrowth for only $5. If you’re feeling nice, you can also donate $1 to Slowgrowth and download the record on their bandcamp. Get on it!




Caught these dudes with Algernon Cadwallader and Big Kids in Portland back in January. Personally, they reminded me of Tigers Jaw crossed with Against Me! Pretty good live show, to boot. I guess this band is now a combination of original members of Lee Corey Oswald and the band Business Day. I’m not sure. Also, the vocalist of this band is in Carrion Spring, who did a 8″ split withTe Lloraría Un Puto Río, The Discord Of A Forgotten Sketch, and Beau Navire last year. Cool. Tom May of Menzingers sums this band up much better than I could:

“Jovi meets Slayer meets Natalie Merchant! Wait, that’s not right. Bolsheviks meets Orwellian Socialism meets post-civil war reconstruction era lingering racism! Wait, that’s definitely not right. Apparently I’m terrible at comparing existing artists as a means to describe Lee Corey Oswald. That’s a good thing. The boys swap genres like partners at an end of the world orgy. Punk rock, folk, indie rock, and rock and roll all meet up for a humble yet humbling experience when you grant your ears and eyes the privilege of their experience. Lyrically the boys (Gods, really) seem to have found a pinpoint way of telling the stories and sharing the feelings of our modern, overly informed while under-informed, seemingly lost generation. As we stumble our way through the darkest regions of overbearing consumerism and moral ambiguity, it’s voices like these that vocalize the poignant truths we all feel but lose when we try to project them. I mean all that, it totally sounds like a bunch of douchy garbage, but fuck it, they are great. Their harmonies are great, the songs are there, and they’re pretty good looking too. Oh yeah, beer. They’re a haven for drinking fans with a music problem.”

I can’t stop listening to “These Four Walls.” Definitely reminiscent of earlier Against Me! Check that one out for sure.

Check out these downloads from their bandcamp page (set your own price!) and order their new cassette, Let’s Talk About Awesome Feelings. I did.

BUY Let’s Talk About Awesome Feelings!

Demo 2010.

Sun Songs.


What do you get when you mix The Blood Brothers, At The Drive In, Algernon Cadwallader, 2 drummers, 2 vocalists, twinkly/mathy guitars, and Scottish accents? Well, I’d say it has the potential to be a drool-worthy combination, or a recipe for total disaster. At about the 5 minute mark of Dananananaykroyd’s debut full length, you’ll probably have made up your own mind on the band’s strange sound.

First thing’s first. Let’s get that name out of the way. It’s fucking stupid, right? I mean, there are some long and obnoxious band names out there, but these guys might just take the cake. If you have to put your own name in a song to demonstrate how it’s pronounced (which is the first thing you’ll hear on the whole album), you might have gone overboard. But, find it in your heart to look past the name and give this album an honest listen, and you might find some gems.

“Hey Everyone!” is an album that dips and sways in all different directions, while never totally losing its form. The band merges pop-sensibilities with an onslaught of technical, melodic guitars and growling dual vocals. Occasionally, the band devolves into post-hardcore freak-outs (see the ending of “The Greater Than Symbol And The Hash”), or puts a little hop in your step with extremely catchy compositions (as in “Black Wax” and “Some Dresses”). The band even adds in a few melancholy tapping parts and vocal harmonies that would make American Football fans proud (see the bridge in “1993”). When it comes down to it, Dananananaykroyd have made an album that might not be easily digested on first listen, but has some serious pay-offs for patient listeners.


Also, check out the video for the single “Black Wax”:

Holy shiiiiiiit

December 14, 2010

What’s up guys? It’s been a while, huh? Since the last time I was on here, I managed to break my leg, sit around and eat way too much, play copious amounts of Mario Kart, and almost completely heal the aforementioned leg. That shit sucks, and it shows you how long I’ve been too busy to get on here (not that typing up bullshit like this takes a long time). So anyway, I digress. There’s a lot of stuff going on right now that you guys should all know about. Where do I start?

– First of all, Snowing’s first full length is finally out! The album is made up of 11 songs, 3 of which are re-recorded from other releases. I probably don’t even have to tell you why this album rocks. The new jams on here are my favorite Snowing songs to date.



– Secondly, Monument also released their first full-length album. If you don’t know Monument, they formed out of the awesome, defunct band The Summer We Went West, and they are absolutely worth checking out.



– If you haven’t downloaded Kanye’s new album yet, suck it up and nab it. Yeah, I know he’s a total douche. I know he’s made some terrible music in the past. But even I have to admit, it’s a really good album. Just don’t pay for it. That will only enable Kanye to be an even bigger douche than he already is. I, for one, don’t want that on my conscience.

– Algernon is recording a new full length and leaving on a West Coast tour from January 4th through the 17th. Joining them is Joyce Manor, Koalacaust, and our friends Big Kids. Specific dates have not yet been released. To read more about the recording process, check out Algernon’s blog.

– In BWS news, we are hard at work on 2 vinyl releases. The first, a 7″ split between Beau Navire and Adobe Homes, should be at the pressing plant at this time. Expect the record to be out in the next month or two, complete with glow in the dark vinyl! The 2nd release, a 7″ split between We Were Skeletons and мища, is currently in the planning stages. More info on that in the future!

…And I think that’s all I’ve got. Sorry if it was a bit long-winded. More regular updates in the future as Christmas break comes around. You know what that means? Ryan, Dylan, and I will all be in the same town again! Party in Idaho Falls!